"Let's make the world a better place by contributing equal opportunities and equal access to the labour market – for everyone.”

About Us

Hi, we are Frauke and Arta.​

Since 2015, we have been active in the areas of labor market, integration and migration.

With our work, we support individuals as well as companies and organizations to successfully overcome the challenges of the German labor market.

Frauke Fischmann - Profilbild

“I have a passion for intercultural and multilingual cooperations
and deeply care about equal opportunities and social equity.”

Arta Haxhiu - Profilbild

“Knowledge has always been shared through language and migration. I love being a guiding part in this learning process.”

“Let's make the world a better place by contributing equal opportunities and equal access to the labour market – for everyone.”

Skizze Kompass

Our Vision

Skizze Landkarte

Our Mission


Our Why

Our vision is a fair and prejudice-free world in which everyone, regardless of their origin, is offered equal opportunities and possibilities.

Our mission is to support people in their careers and their lives in Germany through targeted programs.

We are convinced that social justice and equal opportunities are fundamental building blocks for peaceful coexistence within and between countries.

Do you have any questions?

Feel free to send us an email or contact us using the contact form.